Student Computing Resources
BRCC Wi-Fi is accessible from cars in parking lots and the parking deck.
MY BRCC Support
My BRCC is a portal for accessing student Gmail, Canvas, Student Information System (SIS) and other programs. If MY BRCC is unavailable, direct links to some systems are available.
Canvas is BRCC’s Learning Management System (LMS).
If your instructor asks you to use Respondus to take tests in Canvas, you will need to login to Canvas through the Respondus Lockdown Browser. See Respondus Help for instructions to download and use the Respondus browser.
Many classes, appointments, etc. are being conducted online by Zoom; a video/audio/chat meeting app. Zoom can be accessed through MYBRCC or you can download the app for your phone or tablet. Search for Zoom Cloud Meetings app in Google Play Store or the App Store for Apple products.
Saving Fillable PDF Forms
Save/download the form to your computer before filling out; use only Acrobat Reader to fill out and save.
Free Software for Students
Microsoft Office, Respondus Lockdown Browser
Computers for Students
A student computer lab, staffed by lab assistants, is located in Room F110. Students may also use computers in the library, F building hallway, or in computer classrooms when not in use.
Students may check out laptops in Room F108 for on-campus use.
Students may purchase one computer or tablet per calendar year using financial aid if sufficient funds are available after all tuition, fee, and book charges are satisfied. Restrictions apply. Application is required; click the link below to apply. Laptops and tablets may only be purchased with financial aid funds while financial aid access is available through the Bookstore. Questions? Please contact either the BRCC Bookstore or the Financial Aid Office.
Online Outpost (Temporarily CLOSED for relocation, through May 2025)
Six computer workstations, a printer and Wi-Fi are available for BRCC student use at the Online Outpost in Waynesboro.
Wireless Access
BRCC’s secure wireless network “BRCC” is available from the Weyers Cave campus. Students and faculty log in to the wireless network with MYBRCC username and password. “BRCC Guest” is an unsecured network for visitors who do not have VCCS or BRCC accounts.
Wireless Printing
Wireless printing is available on the Weyers Cave campus. Students and faculty log in with MY BRCC username and password; guest accounts given in the library.
Blue Ridge PC Repair
Students in computer electronics programs specialize in fixing almost all forms of electronics for BRCC students and faculty.