Your support makes a big difference!
State and local funds provide funding for only the basic operations of the College. These traditional sources of funding have not kept pace with the robust growth of Blue Ridge Community College and the increasing needs of its students and community.
You can help us continue to serve our students, faculty, staff, and community with your gift.
Supporting Our Community

Blue Ridge Community College is the people’s college, serving the citizens of the Shenandoah Valley in the counties of Augusta, Highland, and Rockingham, and the cities of Harrisonburg, Staunton, and Waynesboro. We have educated over 93,900 students since 1967. The College’s impact on the community has been profound, providing the pathway to success for students and local employers. Blue Ridge Community College seeks the financial support that will enable it to move ahead confidently and to continue to be an educational leader in our community in the future. The BRCC Educational Foundation is confident of this support – because a strong community college ensures that the Shenandoah Valley will be an even better place for all of us to live and work.
Supporting Students

The student scholarship fund at Blue Ridge Community College benefits the citizens of our community in a variety of ways:
- increased educational opportunities for talented, lower- and middle-income students whose needs are not met through other methods of financial assistance,
- increased educational opportunities for graduates of area high schools, including funding Career Coaches, and
- improved opportunities for men and women seeking to increase their skills through participation in BRCC programs.
The BRCC Educational Foundation also supports students by securing resources for:
- Learning Creates Brighter Futures program development and scholarships
- Emergency aid for students in crisis situations through the Student Outreach and Resource Center (SOAR)
- Peer mentoring and online tutoring systems
- New student orientation programs
- College transfer tours and college fairs to help BRCC students continue their education
Supporting Faculty and Staff

BRCC is fortunate to have exceptional faculty and staff members who truly care about student success.
To ensure that the best instructional opportunities are available for students and businesses, Blue Ridge Community College must attract, support, and retain outstanding faculty. The College must also have the means to encourage and reward instructional innovation designed to enhance student success. It is essential that faculty members keep pace with the changing workplace environment through community partnerships and collaboration with area businesses and employers. These experiences will allow them to better understand changes in their disciplines and to create innovative learning opportunities using emerging technologies.

The BRCC Educational Foundation supports faculty and staff by securing resources for:
- Strategic initiative grants
- Instructional mini grants
- Professional development programs
- Cutting edge technology and equipment