Leadership and Service
The Student Leadership Council (SLC) is an empowering student-run programming board that represents and promotes the common interests and general welfare of the student body. The Council pledges their commitment, leadership, and collaboration to make a difference here and in the community through the organization and promotion of student activities and campus-wide events. The College will provide the Council with a unique experience to be part of an influential and inclusive community on campus by serving as the voice for students to administration, while also providing leadership development opportunities.
The SLC also oversees and regulates all official BRCC clubs/organizations and their budgets through the Club Budget Review Committee.
The BRCC Student Ambassadors is a service organization that works with various departments to promote the image of the college and maintain relationships with former, current, and future students.
Contact Claire Richardson at richardsonc@brcc.edu
More information and scholarship information on the Student Ambassadors PageFe
Through Blue Ridge Pass, students learn about organizations, resources, and events in their communities, helping to build networks for their future and contribute to the College and community at the same time.
Additionally these students strengthen their resumes and portfolios through service and volunteerism, participation, as well as award recognition.
All enrolled students are eligible; there is no GPA requirement.
Academic and Career
A satellite chapter of Collegiate FFA at Virginia Tech, promoting leadership, service, and fellowship among students interested in agriculture or ag-related fields.
A satellite chapter of Collegiate FFA at Virginia Tech.
Open to all interested students who want to support FFA in our community.
- Community service projects including Hunger Symposium
- Fundraisers in support of official dress scholarships
- Support Ag CDE’s and other FFA events in the service area
- Opportunities to attend state, regional, and national FFA events
Contact Susie Shomo at shomos@brcc.edu / 540-453-2312, or Eric Fitzgerald at fitzgeralde@brcc.edu.
The Creative Writing Club exists to provide student writers of all experience levels with a place to connect and exchange their poems, prose, stories, scripts, song lyrics, and more for feedback.
Our goal is to inspire, gain confidence, and further improve each other’s writing through critique and encouragement.
Open to all students at BRCC who are passionate about writing and improving themselves as writers for a hobby or career.
- Creative Writing Canvas Hub
- Readings/feedback of work
- Contests for BRCC affiliates
- Literary Online Semester Magazine
- Workshops/ conferences
- Inspirational writing workshops
- Share local and national contests
- Workshops/ talks with writing gurus
Contact Alissa Cruz, cruza@brcc.edu
Providing opportunities to realize the importance of mathematics and its omnipresence in human life. Through club activities enhance student’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills that will prepare them to succeed in all math courses and lead them to a good career path.
Contact Venkatesan Chakrapani at chakrapaniv@brcc.edu or Samuel Chukwuemeka chukwuemekas@brcc.edu
A Nursing Program Club, providing a forum for nursing students to discuss emergent issues at monthly faculty meetings and to strengthen bonds among peers.
Open to students in the clinical component of the nursing program.
Contact Bre Figgins at figginsb@brcc.edu or Rebecca Foltz at foltzr@brcc.edu
Recognizing and encouraging the academic achievement of two-year college students; promoting scholarship, developing leadership and service, and cultivating fellowship among qualified students at the College.
Membership is by invitation each semester to students meeting the following criteria:
- Enrolled in an associate degree program
- Completed at least 12 hours of college-level course workGPA of 3.5 or higher
Contact Abby Sloan, sloana@brcc.edu or Larry Rasheed, rasheedl@brcc.edu
Providing students interested in science, engineering, math, and technology with educational opportunities and career information.
Open to all students.
Contact Robert Oliver at oliverr@brcc.edu or Dan OBrien at obriend@brcc.edu
A student chapter of the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA) and the Virginia Association of Licensed Veterinary Technicians (VALVT), promoting the profession of veterinary technology.
Purpose: To promote the profession of veterinary technology; to educate and inform the public about responsible pet care; to enhance the human/companion animal bond; and to facilitate good relations between 1st-year, 2nd-year, and distance education Veterinary Technology students at BRCC.
All students enrolled in the veterinary technology program are automatic members.
Contact: Wynne DiGrassie digrassiew@brcc.edu or Stephanie Atkins at atkinss@brcc.edu
Topics and Special Interest
Focused on high adventure and service projects, activities may include hiking, camping, skiing, snowboarding, cycling, climbing, archery, kayaking, rafting, etc.
Purpose: To provide positive and challenging experiences to have fun and learn teamwork and leadership.
Open to all students 17 years old and up.
Contact Reid Harris, harrisr@brcc.edu
The Animanga Club provides a safe, welcoming environment for BRCC students to discuss anime, manga, and their influence on Japanese and American culture.
Open to all BRCC students.
- Watch anime on popular streaming platforms
- Read and share manga series
- Discuss the impact of anime and manga
- Field trips to anime conventions
- Annual community service project
Meetings are bimonthly during the BRCC academic year.
Contact Avie Thacker, thackera@brcc.edu or Amy Jordan, jordana@brcc.edu
Bringing together those of the Christian faith to participate in bible study, prayer support, and community service.
Open to all students.
- Bible Study
- Prayer Meetings
- Free Spring Retreat for club members
- Christmas Caroling
- Service Projects
Agnes Rexrode, rexrodea@brcc.edu
Bob Zickefoose, zickefooseb@brcc.edu
P.J. Landis, landisp@brcc.edu
Sara Lightner, lightners@brcc.edu
Providing all students the opportunity to grow in understanding and awareness: celebrate the rich global cultural diversity of BRCC. Joining a club or organization provides opportunities to develop leadership skills within an environment of your peers. You will learn from fellow students and establish your leadership abilities through planning and implementation.
Contact Elise Pettie, pettiee@brcc.edu or Shanil Virani, snv83138@email.vccs.edu
A non-partisan club that is committed to teaching the relevancy of the U.S. Constitution and the principles of self-governance inherent in our founding documents.
Open to all students enrolled at Blue Ridge Community College.
Contact Matthew O’Quinn, oquinnm@brcc.edu
Providing opportunities for students of all abilities to foster friendships and serve others.
Open to all BRCC students who have an interest in understanding and working with individuals with disabilities.
Contact Melissa Walker, walkerm@brcc.edu or Justin Thompson, jthompson01@rockingham.k12.va.us
Seeking to create an open and safe educational environment for people of all genders and sexualities to learn about diversity in their school, community, and the world.
Open to all LGBTQ+ and ally students at BRCC.
Contact Jessica Martinkosky at martinkoskyj@brcc.edu or EmmaRose Phillips at phillipse@brcc.edu or 540-453-2338
More information (meetings, resources, etc) at the Prism Club Website
This club aims to uplift and help others both on campus and in the larger community. They help with community service projects and social connections on campus.
Contact Katie Anderson, andersonk@brcc.edu