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Criminal Justice

This video is 100% funded by federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) awards AA-32183-18-55-A-51 and AA-30941-17-55-A-51 from the US Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration to the Virginia Community College System. Blue Ridge Community College was the recipient of $303, 583 as part of this initiative.


In just two semesters, the Criminal Justice program will prepare you for entry level employment and/or further education in criminal justice fields.

Program Options

The program’s curriculum introduces students to the criminal justice system and includes law enforcement, corrections, and the courts. Certificate programs are shorter term programs that can be applied to the A.A.S. degree/broaden your employment opportunities. Choose the program that matches your career goals.

Getting a Bachelor’s Degree

If you want to continue your studies, BRCC has transfer agreements with Old Dominion University.

Local Agencies

We work closely with local agencies; representatives serve on our curriculum advisory committee.