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BRCC measures licensure success for programs that require external licensure exams during or after program completion.

Target: 80% of eligible students will pass their licensure exams.

Threshold of Acceptability: 75% of eligible students will pass their licensure exams.

Source: BRCC Office of Academic Affairs

Frequency of Assessment: Annually

ProgramLicensure/ Certification2018-192019-202020-212021-222022-23
Automotive Analysis and RepairAutomotive Service Excellence (ASE)100%100%100%***
Aviation Maintenance TechnologyAirframe and Powerplant ratings100%100%100%100%100%
Emergency Medical ServicesEMT88%86%94%86%100%
NursingRegistered Nurse (RN)80%89%81%86%95%
Veterinary TechnologyVTNE National Board Exam96%97%87%88%100%

*No graduates
**No Exam Administered

Conclusion: All programs reporting data for the 2022-23 graduates achieved the 80% pass rate goal. The program without 2022-23 data met the 80% pass rate goal for 2020-21.