Highlights: 2000s—A Moment Like This…

BRCC became the first community college in the Commonwealth to sign a Guaranteed Admissions Agreement with James Madison University.
The College conducted workshops for the ever-growing immigrant community in the Valley called “Culture: From the Voices of Immigrants” and “Bridging Gaps with Our Immigrants.”
CyberCollege expanded to offer 27 courses online.
A “continuous registration” process was initiated in the fall, allowing students to register throughout the summer.
C-building was named Armstrong Hall in honor of Dr. James A. Armstrong, who served as president from 1969-1985.
An Administration of Justice degree program began.
Assistant Professor of Electronics Jim Eiland developed a “dream bat” to help disabled youths swing a baseball bat, allowing them to participate in America’s pastime.
Lieutenant Governor Tim Kaine delivered the commencement address. Over 350 degrees were awarded.

The Robert E. Plecker Workforce Center opened in September.
Total financial aid awarded topped $2.7 million.
In 2004-05 fiscal year, BRCC was the fastest growing community college in the Commonwealth.

Free shuttle bus service began.
Middle schoolers attended the first Tech Prep Career College to learn early about BRCC’s degrees and programs.

The Large Animal Teaching Facility, referred to as “The Barn,” opened. Funded by Kenneth and Nancy Bowman of Waynesboro, the building was named after Ken’s brother, Bruce, a local veterinarian, Blue Ridge grad, and Board member.
What’s cooking? BRCC entered an articulation agreement with Dabney S. Lancaster Community College for the study of culinary arts.
The Houff Library underwent a major renovation.
A $1.9 million grant from US Department of Labor established a manufacturing technology simulation lab.

Seventh annual “BRCC Spells Success” raised over $13K. Who was in that bee costume? (Hint: He became BRCC president in a few years!)
BRCC students lead the VCCS in assessment test scores for critical thinking and oral communication.
The Aviation Maintenance Technology degree soared into existence.

The Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) team raised the National Championship trophy at competition in Dallas, TX. They competed against hundreds of two-year colleges across the country. BRCC’s PTK chapter was named in the national top 100.
The Fine Arts Center opened and the first Hunger Symposium was held.

BRCC turns the Big 4-0! A 1981 DeLorean was an auction item at Spring Fling.
Dr. James R. Perkins retired.
Faculty member Nell Tiller participated in a Fulbright-Hays Seminar Abroad to China.
A ground-breaking ceremony was held for the 20,000-square-foot Advanced Technology Center.

Dr. John A. Downey began his presidency. Dr. Downey came to BRCC in 1992. He holds degrees from LeMoyne College, Boston College, and the University of Virginia.
Workforce Services and Continuing Education trained more than 170 individuals in the Disney Institute “Keys to Excellence” Leadership Program.
BRCC was recognized as a “Great College to Work For” by the Chronicle of Higher Education.