Kaplan’s Admissions Test
If you are planning to take the Kaplan Nursing Exam DO NOT wait until the last moment! The BRCC Testing Center has limited space available, and can only offer the Kaplan Nursing Exam as space and time allow.
All applicants for the clinical admissions must take the free Kaplan’s Admissions Test. The test may only be taken one time per academic year (August through June). Applicants must score 45% or higher on each section of the entrance test.
Taking the Test
Bring a photo ID to the Testing Center (Room F115) during the posted testing hours. Allow at least 2 1/2 hours for the test. No cell phones, books, electronic devices allowed; a calculator is provided in the test.
Preparing for the Test
We suggest the preparatory text (available at local bookstores or through Amazon.com ) – Kaplan Nursing School Entrance Exams: Your Complete Guide to Getting Into Nursing School (Kaplan Nursing School Entrance Exam) by Kaplan. The text covers all nursing entrance exams and includes more information than is on this specific Admissions Test.
About the Test
Kaplan’s Admissions Test is an online multiple-choice test that determines if students have the critical thinking and academic skills necessary to perform effectively in a nursing program.
Test Sections
Questions in each academic section will also assess your critical thinking skills. Your score will reflect your skills in critical thinking, reading, math, writing and science.
Measures ability to:
- Determine the logic of a passage
- Comprehend details
- Draw basic inferences
- Identify the purpose of a passage
Measures ability to apply mathematical principles to:
- Conversions
- Operations
- Ratios
- Word problems
Measures ability to read passages and assess:
- passage development
- paragraph logic
- mechanics of writing
Measures knowledge of physiology in the following areas:
- Cardiovascular system
- Electrolytes
- Gastrointestinal system
- Immune system
- Neurology
- Renal system
- Hematological system
- Homeostasis
- Respiratory system
- Sensory system