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NCLEX Passing Rates

National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) Passing Rates

A comparison of BRCC, Virginia, and national nursing students’ NCLEX passing rate percentages by year. 

NCLEX-RN Pass Rates

Program Option Class of 2025 Class of 2024 Class of 2023 Class of 2022 Class of 2021 
Traditional TBD 91.1%  (41/45) 93.7%  (30/32) 88.5%  (31/35) 80.95% (34/42) 
LPN-RN TBD 100%  (8/8) 100%  (5/5) 77.7%  (7/9)  83.3%  (5/6) 
Aggregate Total TBD 92.45% (49/53) 94.59%  (35/37) 86.36% (38/44) 81.25% 39/48 

Source: NCSBN NCLEX Year End Report

*End of program outcome is that a minimum of 80% of all first-time test takers will pass the NCLEX on the first attempt.